Book Summary
A delightful book for young children about God. It will provide encouragement that they are never alone in life for God is always there, he is awesome, and he loves us. 'Excellent for Homeschool Use'
About the Book
"Remember when you were a child and the things you wondered about God? Kids are no different today. They have questions about God that seem to have no logical explanation, but best-selling author Larry Libby offers sensitive, biblically-based answers to difficult questions. Filled with warm, heartwarming illustrations that create a comforting atmosphere for talking with children about their deep questions about God, Who Made God? provides a special time of sharing with your child. Help your child discover answers about the One who loves us most of all—our Heavenly Father."Product Details
- Imprint: Zonderkidz
- On Sale: 2010-11-23
- Pages: 40
- Publisher: Zonderkidz
- Publication Date: 2010-11-23
- Trim Size: Trim size data not found for this book.
- Weight: Weight data not found for this book.
- Category 1 : JUVENILE NONFICTION / Religion / Christianity
- Category 2 : JUVENILE NONFICTION / Religious / Christian / General
- Category 3 : JUVENILE NONFICTION / Religion / Biblical Reference
- Category 4 : JUVENILE NONFICTION / Religious / Christian / Science & Nature