28 April

HarperCollins Christian Publishing Wins 15 SEPA Awards, including Book of the Year

Nashville, Tenn., April 2023 – Editorial Vida and Grupo Nelson, the Spanish publishing divisions of HarperCollins Christian Publishing (HCCP), were recognized and honored with a combined 15 awards, including Book of the Year, at the 2023 Spanish Evangelical Publishing Association (SEPA) banquet on April 20, 2023.

At the awards banquet, Incen(diario) (Incen-diary) by Itiel Arroyo (Editorial Vida) was named the 2023 SEPA Book of the Year. It also won Book Cover of the Year, Best Spanish-Original Book, and Top-Selling Book in the Christian Living category. Incen(diario) is a “wreck this journal” style journal that seeks to help young readers grow more passionate about their relationship with Christ.

In addition to Incen(diario), the winning titles were:

Categoría Devocional (Devotional)
En la oscuridad, ¡Resplandecerás! (You Will Shine in the Darkness) | Christy Muller | Editorial Vida Categoría Fe y Cultura (Faith and Culture)
La batalla cultural (The Cultural Battle) |Agustín Laje | Grupo Nelson

Cautivante, Edición ampliada (Captivating, Updated Edition) | John Eldredge, Staci Eldredge | Grupo Nelson

Gana la guerra en tu mente (Winning the War in Your Mind) | Craig Groeschel | Editorial Vida Vida Cristiana (Christian Living)
Incen(diario) (The Incen-diary) | Itiel Arroyo | Editorial Vida
Libro de Niños (Children’s)

Matrimonio y Familia (Marriage and Family)

Liderazgo (Leadership)

Un gran corazón (One Big Heart) | Linsey Davis | Grupo Nelson Libro de Estudio Bíblico (Bible Study)

21 leyes del liderazgo en la Biblia (21 Laws of Leadership in the Bible) | John Maxwell | Grupo Nelson

Biblia de Estudio con anotaciones en toda la Biblia (Study Bible)

NBLA Biblia de Estudio MacArthur (NBLA MacArthur Study Bible) | MacArthur | Editorial Vida KEY AWARDS
Mejor libro original en Español 2023 (Best Spanish-Original Book)
Incen(diario) (The Incen-diary) | Itiel Arroyo | Editorial Vida

Incen(diario) (The Incen-diary) | Itiel Arroyo | Editorial Vida

Libro del Año “Harold Kregel” (Book of the Year – The Harold Kregel Award)

Incen(diario) (The Incen-diary) | Editorial Vida

Mejor portada de Libro General (Best Book Cover)

Portada y diseño interior de la Biblia – Estudio (Best Interior and Cover Design for a Study Bible)

NBLA Biblia de Estudio MacArthur (NBLA MacArthur Study Bible) | Editorial Vida
Mejor Anuncio (Best Ad Post)
NBLA Biblia Ama a Dios Grandemente (NBLA Love God Greatly Bible) | Editorial Vida / HCCP Mejor video: (Best Promotional Video)

NVI – Biblia de Estudio Teología Bíblica (NVI Biblical Theology Study Bible) | Editorial Vida
“Every book we publish is an investment into the lives of the individuals they will impact. For the most part, we never fully know what that impact looks like or the extent of lives touched by each one,” said Cris Garrido, vice president and publisher for HCCP’s Spanish publishing program. “The SEPA Awards, however, give us a glimpse into the impact a book has as perceived by those closest to our readers – our retailers and distributors. Seeing 10 of our books and Bibles be recognized with 15 awards across all categories is a testament to both the quality of our authors and the work of our team.”

For more information on the 2023 SEPA awards, please visit their website.