Charitable Requests

If you or your organization is interested in receiving a charitable donation from HarperCollins Christian Publishing, please review the following eligibility guidelines:

  • Tax-exempt Status. All recipient organizations must have tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S Internal Revenue Code.
  • Christian faith-based. Organizations must have a statement of faith and belief that is in accord with historic Christian orthodoxy.
  • Board of Directors. Organizations must have a local board or church and local financial support that ultimately holds them accountable for their decisions. This local accountability should ensure that the organization is fiscally and morally responsible acting as good stewards with provided resources.
  • Local Community Partnership. Organizations must provide resources to its local operating community and its people. For our charitable program, organizations must serve the local communities in and around Nashville, TN and Grand Rapids, MI. We desire to contribute to the development of healthy ministries and organizations that both advance God’s kingdom and contribute to the common good of our communities.
  • Fund limitations. We seek to help launch and/or sustain ministries and projects as a minority partner, providing funds over a limited time period and in a way that encourages self-sufficiency and reliance on the local community. We will not support individuals, local churches, political parties, travel, conferences, or major capital projects with the allocations in the Charitable Committee fund.

As a publishing company whose mission is to “inspire the world by meeting the needs of people with content that promotes biblical principles and honors Jesus Christ,” we have an interest in those organizations whose mission aligns with our own. As a result, we desire to partner with organization who prioritize the following:

  • Literacy
  • Providing for the “least of these”
  • Promote a Christian Worldview

We are currently not accepting applications.