(Nashville, TN) January, 16, 2023 — HarperChristian Resources will be releasing a new six-session video study based on the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on sale August 8, 2023. Share the Dream: Shining a Light in a Divided World through Six Principles of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will cover six biblical principles that shaped Dr. King, Jr.’s life and motivated him to speak out on behalf of African Americans and take his place as the leading figure of the Civil Rights Movement: love, conscience, freedom, justice, perseverance, and hope.
Share the Dream will be published by Harper Christian Resources, in collaboration with America’s leading African-American church publisher Urban Ministries, Inc., and The K.I.N.G. Movement which seeks to help men and boys reach their God-given potential in every realm of life. The video’s study sessions will be co-hosted by award-winning journalist and broadcaster for FOX Sports 1 and FOX Sports Radio, Chris Broussard, founder and president of The K.I.N.G. Movement, and global human rights activist and founder of non-profit organization Good of All, Matthew Daniels, J.D., PhD.
Dr. Daniels, creator of Share the Dream, and Chair of Law & Human Rights at the Institute of World Politics in Washington, D.C. said, “Dr. King was a martyr for the Gospel whose sacrificial commitment to the cause of human dignity and non-violence saved the American South the generational cycle of racial violence that we’ve seen in Rwanda and other nations. Ambassador Andrew Young has been my guide to the transcendent principles that Dr. King and other courageous men and women harnessed to save America from hundreds of years of slavery and segregation. Chris and I are honored to follow in their footsteps and join with great contemporary leaders in sharing these same unifying principles with a new generation.”
“Dr. King and other courageous men and women were able to change history through the power of a dream that was rooted in the Gospel and the love of God for all of His children made in His image,” said Urban Ministries’ CEO, C. Jeffrey Wright. “Our Share the Dream series explores the profoundly spiritual dimension to the early civil rights movement. We also show how the Gospel-based principles behind the astonishing success of that movement can be applied in our nation and our world. Perhaps this is most clearly seen in the famous ‘I Have a Dream’ speech that Dr. King delivered on August 28, 1963, in which he called for racial equality in America.”
The video study will be available for pre-order in March 2023.
Broussard said, “For our nation to thrive, we need to help a new generation better understand, live, and experience the Gospel-based principles at the heart of the dream to which Dr. King dedicated his life. That is why Matt Daniels, and I created our Share the Dream curriculum. We hope churches and small groups of all ethnicities will join us in exploring how each person can participate in sharing Dr. King’s dream in our time.”
Share the Dream will be a resource for entire church congregations, adult small groups, student and youth groups, and Sunday School studies. “This project has been an incredible journey and we know that multi-generational church families will be blessed after going through the study,” said VP, publisher of HarperChristian Resources, John Raymond. “The Scripture-based principles of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. have left a great impact and enduring legacy of how we are to love each other as human beings in our world today. We trust this study will help inspire and change a new generation to live with a greater dignity and respect for all. I’m so excited to be a part of a monumental curriculum that brings civil rights education to churches through Dr. King’s teachings. It is an honor to partner with Matt, Chris, the K.I.N.G. Movement and Urban Ministries.”
HarperChristian Resources is the curriculum and video study imprint of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, the world’s largest Christian publisher.
UMI (Urban Ministries, Inc.) is the largest independent religious media and publishing company serving the African American market. Founded in 1970 in Chicago, IL., by Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr., UMI creates positive, transformative analog and digital content based on a biblical worldview that is especially empowering to the African American community. UMI offices are in suburban Chicago. UMI exists to disseminate culture changing, biblically sound content and has tremendous credibility in producing high quality material reaching millions of people throughout the globe.
K.I.N.G. is a national Christian Men’s Movement geared toward strengthening men in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ by providing brotherhood, encouragement, accountability, knowledge, and fellowship. The name K.I.N.G. is an acronym for Knowledge, Inspiration, and Nurture through God. K.I.N.G. is a non-denominational movement that seeks to unite true Bible-believing Christian men across racial, denominational, generational and political lines. It is our hope that Christian men can move past their minor doctrinal differences and work together to expand the Kingdom of God. While founded by Chris Broussard in South Orange, NJ, K.I.N.G. has local chapters across the United States.
About HarperCollins Christian Publishing: The world’s leading Christian publisher, HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. comprises the Thomas Nelson, Zondervan and HarperChristian Resources publishing groups, BibleGateway.com, FaithGateway.com, StudyGateway.com and ChurchSource.com. The Company produces bestselling Bibles, inspirational books, academic resources, curriculum, audio, and digital content for the Christian market space. Bible Gateway is the world’s largest Christian website with more than 20 million unique visitors each month. HarperCollins Christian Publishing is headquartered in Nashville, Tenn. with additional offices in the U.S. and Mexico. For more information visit www.HarperCollinsChristian.com.
Contact: Casey Harrell
Senior Director, Corporate Communications
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email: [email protected]